What should students pay attention to in skin care?

Skin care for students is just as important as it is for any age group, as good skin care promotes skin health and prevents skin issues. Here are some tips to help students maintain healthy skin:

Keep it Clean: Cleanse your face daily with a gentle cleanser, especially in the morning and at night. Avoid over-cleansing to preserve the skin’s natural barrier.

Moisturize Appropriately: Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type to maintain a balanced level of hydration. Even oily skin needs moisturizing, so opt for oil-free or gel-based products.

Sun Protection: Use sunscreen with adequate sun protection factor (SPF) every day, even on cloudy or winter days. UV rays can damage the skin, causing spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Healthy Diet: Stay hydrated, consume fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in healthy fats to maintain skin radiance and elasticity.

Moderate Makeup: If you use makeup, opt for products that are gentle on the skin and remember to remove it every day. Avoid excessive makeup to allow the skin to repair itself.

Avoid Picking Pimples: Refrain from squeezing pimples or acne with your fingers, as this can lead to infection and inflammation.


Post time: Aug-30-2023
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