XIXI Beautiful Eyes Delicate Eyeliner Smooth and Very Fine Waterproof No Fading Eyeliner Silkworm Eyeliner Student Affordable Beauty Wholesale

Eyeliner, lower eyelids, and eyeliner can be easily applied in one stroke
Automatic rebound brush head
No splitting after multiple uses
0.005MM pen tip
Outline the details without mistakes
600M smooth ink output
Dynamic control of ink and continuous liquid flow
Thin and versatile, applicable to all
Draw eyeliner, eyeliner, lower eyelashes, etc., taking into account various makeup details
The pen tip is made of a mix of "three fibers"
The liquid discharge is smooth and not easy to clog and clog.
Automatically soft and pointed, not easy to split or deform
Lines as thin as hair
Draw details accurately
Quick rebound tipping
Not easy to split or deform
Stable and smooth water discharge
Durable and durable
01# charcoal black rich matte black deep electric eyes
02# Coffee brown, versatile and smart eyes for daily use
03# The color of lying silkworm comes out of nothing and there is lying silkworm